Process for Practice Enrollment
Please follow the steps below for new enrollment into Concert:
- Review quality performance metrics
- Sign Participation Agreement
- Attach provider list to Participation Agreement and ensure accuracy
- Complete Practice Information Form and AEHR Survey
Once you have completed and signed the enrollment materials listed above please submit to Matt Vogel, President of Concert and VP UPMC Pinnacle at UPMC Pinnacle, 409 South Second St., Midtown Suite, Harrisburg, Pa 17104.
This is a preferred opportunity to join and be a part of the driving force in a new dynamic in population health, so we hope to hear from you.
Introducing Clinical Integration.
In keeping with UPMC Pinnacle’s tradition of partnership, a diverse group of physician
representatives were invited to participate as members of the Physician Leadership Council, laying the foundation for Concert. With the primary objective of increasing collaboration around shared quality goals, Concert has been formed in such a way that it will be a physician-led, professionally managed organization with representation from primary care and medical, surgical, and hospital-based specialties.